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Exciting Juneteenth Celebration in Camden 2024 – Fun for the Whole Family!



juneteenth, roosevelt plaza
Camden Design Studio

Juneteenth in Camden was awesome this year! Guess what? We had not one, but TWO super cool Juneteenth events, which means double the fun! The “Original Juneteenth of Camden 2002” has been around for 22 years, mostly at Farnham Park, thanks to its founder, R. Mangaliso Davis.

Since Juneteenth became a nationwide holiday, Camden has celebrated it with lots of excitement and honor. This year was no different, with festivities spread out throughout the day.

First up, the official Red, Black, and Green Flag, which represents Black and Brown ancestry in America, was raised at Wiggins Park. Mayor Vic Carstarphen, city council members, and many others watched this special moment.

Next, we had a super cool LunchTime Concert from 11 am to 2 pm at Roosevelt Plaza Park. The weather was beautiful (though a bit hot), and the live music was fantastic. This concert was the perfect warm-up for the main celebration.

The grand event started at 4 pm and featured amazing performances by “Exit 45 Band,” “2NspreU Band,” our local heroes “Universal African Dance & Drum Ensemble,” and DJ JU spinning awesome tunes all evening.

But wait, there’s more! There were so many fun things to do for the whole family. There were bouncy houses, games, a gaming truck, and so much delicious food. The coolest part was the huge number of vendors and service providers. There were all sorts of things to buy, city services to get help from, and even job opportunities!

It was an amazing experience, and it was great to see the hardworking folks from City Hall joining in the fun. Juneteenth in Camden was a blast, and we can’t wait for next year!


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