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Experience the Excitement of the Elite Women’s Flag Football League Second Season!



women, Flag football, camden, Whitman park

Have you seen the amazing Elite Women’s Flag Football League (EWFFL) in action? If you have, you might think it’s been around forever, but guess what? This is only their second full season! That’s right, women from all over the tri-state area are back on the field, ready to play some intense football, at high levels.

There was a nice turnout for the game return.  There were plenty of spectators, near and far, that caught glimpses of the women in action. Vendors were spreading throughout and there was a few outside festivities as well. And of course, there are the teams, usually, practicing close by while a game is going on.

This year, we have an incredible lineup of teams: Top Notch, Death Row, Lady Hawks, Snatch Gang, Risk Takers, Team Certified, Diamond Elite, and Dream Killaz. We’ve got some new names and some returning favorites, making the competition even more thrilling.

Watching these women of all ages and skill levels play at such a high level is super exciting. They give it their all in front of hundreds of cheering fans. Week one was amazing, and we can’t wait to see what’s next!

If you’re planning to join the fun, remember to dress comfortably because the weather can be tricky. Stay hydrated, and don’t worry – there are plenty of vendors with snacks and drinks. Bring your friends and family, find a good spot to sit, and you’re all set for an unforgettable game day! See you there!


Top Notch (1-0) 12 pts Vs  Dream killers  (0-1) 10 pts 
Deathrow (1-0) 36 ps Vs Diamond Elite (0-1) 29 pts
Lady Hawks (1-0) 13pts Vs Team Certified (0-1) 12 pts 
Snatch Gang (1-0) 43 pts Vs Risktakers (0-1) 28 pts 

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